Zurvita has a new look!

New wild berry

With the big national convention done, Zurvita released their new look. What can I say but  that it is a huge improvement over what they had before. It’s always exciting when change takes place as it has the ability to revitalize people’s desire to improve. I have taken some time away, life does get busy, and my resolve to see my business grow has become vitally important to me. Helping people live healthier lives and seeing the changes that they go through is amazing. The stories of people feeling better, having more energy and noticing that their joints don’t hurt anymore…keep flowing in. People that have started taking Zeal, went away and are now back, puts a smile on my face. This stuff works and the fact that it is healthy for the body is pure joy. All these sport energy drinks are nothing more than toxic waters that we willingly pour into our bodies. Life is meant to be enjoyed and I for one want to treat this vessel like a temple and keep it as healthy as I can possibly make it.


Welcome to my office….want to learn more about what Zeal can do for you than please contact me at the following addresses or just leave a message here.



