The tale of two….

“The edge….there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” Hunter S Thompson

The best piece of advice that I have recieved in the past few days is just be yourself. To often I find that I want to win people over to Zeal when I need to take myself out of the process. It is not my job to convert the masses, it’s my job to place the right tools available into the right hands. It can be quite frustrating trying to educate others by yourself when we don’t have to do it that way. I have been programed with 20 years of service as a Paramedic to take control of my environment. It is counter intuitive to allow something else to have that control while I wait to see the outcome. Just this morning I was presented with two people that I was able to get some samples into their hands. One guy was super receptive and wanted to know where he could get some more. I explained the auto-ship program that provides the canister right to his door, the 15% loyalty program and the additonal 12 sample bottles that are included. I will follow through getting him on the 877 number to get him all the information that he needs about the product and opportunity to make extra money. The second person was receptive about the sample but the whole money commitment seemed to be a stumbling block right out of the gate. My old self wanted to address her concerns and win her over to why this is such a great deal. The new me saw that I had one person who showed great potiental and that was were I need to focus my energy. Will I follow through with the second person…. you bet I will, BUT I will take my time with her as not to scare her away. I can than be free to follow through with the first guy and get the heavy hitters on my upline into the process with their wealth of experience. If person number two expresses more concerns on my follow up than at least I have my foot in the door to get her whatever she needs to see the opportunity before her. The thing is Rome wasn’t built in a day nor can I expect all people to be receptive in the first encounters. Lessons being learnt….


I invite all people to get on the Zeal Prime time call every monday and wednesday at 9pm eastern time. It’s a toll free call that explains all things Zeal. 1-877-290-8319. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me with any questions that you may have.

My first Zeal Event in the Rock City….

“We all have residual bills, why not have residual income…” It was perhaps the best training statement that I have ever heard and one that should peak everyone’s interest. Bills and debt are all things that we share together and can be some of the biggest hurdles to overcome. Residual income is money that is paid no matter what you are doing….Eat make money! Sleep, your making money. Family time, your still generating that income that takes care of all those residual bills. The  Zeal event in Sudbury had two Ambassadors who have successful made that transition into life changing residual income (Michel Pensivy and Cliff Anders). The training that they provided to show the simple process in finding people who want to make money and the ways to become a leader in your company, was simply amazing. The fact that you don’t have to be a gifted speaker, the most charismatic individual, or rather a salesman, means that this is for everyone. Spark their interest and get them to call the 877 number that does all the technical work. As simple as that to get the message across. The real work comes in being a leader in your company and making sure that your legs are growing. Michel quote of “Learn from the mistakes of others as you won’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”, made me realize that my approach was all wrong. I was making the process too complicated and it isn’t attractive to others. Simple sells, as we all like the easy approach and Zurvita has provided the tools to make my job so much easier. I am excited to implement this whole new system to grow my residual income and all those who come onboard this wild ride with me. On my way to Ambassador and the future looks bright for sure.


If you want to learn how to generate $2000-5000+/month of resdual income than get ahold of me. This company is about to explode in record growth and the money that will be generated by those onboard is going to be huge. This company generated 70 million last year and will be around the 100 million by years end. The month of September had record growth with an increase of 400% just in new consultants. Do yourself a favor and just hit play to listen to this… ….it may be the best 20 minutes of your day.

Jimmy and all things Zeal

I created this blog to document my first steps into the world of MLM (multi-level marketing) and the company Zurvita. My goal is to have regular posts that will highlight what I find that has worked and what hasn’t with the hopes that we all can learn something together. I was first introduced to this wonderful company 6 months ago by trying a sample of the Zeal wellness blend. I instantly like what I felt but had so many misconceptions about MLM and these health/nutrition groups that I was not interested at all. A small purchase of a canister (30 day servings) and I was hooked. To be honest, I still had no desire to sell the stuff or even enter the auto ship program. Months passed enjoying the benifits of increased energy and more mental clarity that I thought it was time to get off it to see if I was just having a placebo effect. 30 days later I felt like something was missing and went back to the Zeal. That surge of energy and the overall good feeling was back. That was it, I was sold completely on this company and knew that I wanted to get involved. Being a newbie to the world of sales can be quite daunting to say the least. It’s the first thing that I hear from people when I present to them the idea that they to can do this. It usually stems to the comment that they hate bugging people and that it is way out of their comfort zone. The thing is when you are passionate about something, it isn’t hard to tell others about it. I noticed that I was promoting Zeal from the begining as I was handing it out for other people to try…. it is nothing different than I am doing now but that I make money in the process. The feedback has been good, sales have started and I am getting people that are starting to express an interest in wanting to make some serious money. Big thanks to Tim Philips who has taken a mentoring role in my first few steps and puts up with my late night texts and endless questions!

If you have questions or comments please feel to contact me or leave a comment here. If you are interested in learning more about Zeal (how you can order it or becoming a consultant than my contact info is above)