
It’s funny how we can allow the simplest of things the right to squander opportunities. Fear is a learnt behaviour that we give such high priority to. We allow these doubts of failure to take away the things that would allow us to grow and be successful. We learn from failure, we grow from failure and ultimately find success. Its all a process and we can learn to let go of fear. It amazes me to see people not try something new because they don’t want feel inadequate. I have talked to so many people about Zeal and they are afraid of not being successful. They doubt that they can do this before they have even made the effort to try. The sad part is that they have failed already before they even took that tiniest of step forward. We are a people of excuses and somedays. The problem is that someday is nothing more than I will never allow myself the joy of doing something with a risk. I pick up far to many people in my “regular job” that are in the final stages of their lives. They all say the same things to me and it reverberates within my soul….GO FOR IT! Chase that dream, try new things and cherish those that are around you. Have the attitude that failure is only achieved when you stop trying. Celebrate your success with others and teach accordingly.






If you are letting fear stop you from chasing a dream than maybe its time to look into that fear a bit more closely.

One comment

  1. Kellie Robinson · November 12, 2015

    Love it! Words to think about!


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